Business Area
- 2019.05
- Patent registration of H-beam automatic welding machine
- 2019.05
- Design registration of welding machine
- 2019.04
- Selected as a partner company with KITECH (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology)
- 2019.01
- Designated as a root-tech company
- 2019.01
- Designated as a venture company
- 2018.12
- Designated as a clean energy technology innovative business
- 2018.08
- Applied for patent registration for underwater power generator
- 2018.06
- Applied for patent registration for multi-phase control system for IPM motor
- 2018.05
- TNS company annex research institute was certified
- 2008.02
- Patent registration of circuit breaker test meter
- 2005.06
- TNS Tech Co., Ltd was established
- 2005.03
- Selected as an excellent BTP technique holder